Top 10k strings from 16-48 Magazine - Issue 26 (1986)(16-48 Tape Magazine)(Side A).tzx
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4 PRESS A KEY 3 z=prog+291 3 ;"death/c" 2 z$="08050202 2 z$="08000203 2 page=page-100 2 page=page+100 2 TAPE START 2 SUBMISSIONS 2 ;"robin/c" 2 ;"deathwake": 2 ((prog+168 2 1 ~ TO BOOST YOUR SCORE": 1 ~ AROUND": 1 {7|A|I|N|Q|W|Z|]|e|h|l|p|w|z| 1 {/{E{I{U{g{AI 1 z$="ll130201TO ": 1 z$="ll050202MIKE YATES" 1 z$="ll02020216/48 MAGAZINE": 1 z$="19150202 1 z$="19030102PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE": 1 z$="19000102"+y$: 1 z$="18010202 READ ON....": 1 z$="18000104* PRESS ANY KEY TO PLAY AGAIN *": 1 z$="17130202"+h$: 1 z$="16130203 1 z$="15050203BY A.MCHARG": 1 z$="14200202&": 1 z$="12070202 1 z$="12050102 SIMPLE EH !!": 1 z$="12030204 1 z$="12020102 WELL HELP IS AT HAND !!": 1 z$="11140203 1 z$="11020304GILLESPIE": 1 z$="11000102 M/CODE TUTOR IS ~FANTASTIC~": 1 z$="10050103 1 z$="10020203RUN THE TAPE": 1 z$="10000212SIDE 1 z$="09020203STOP THE TAPE": 1 z$="08070203PRESENTS": 1 z$="08010203 1 z$="08000402 1 z$="08000201HI ED,": 1 z$="08000102 WHAT A GREAT MAGAZINE": 1 z$="06020102~F~ LEFT ~G~ ENTER LETTER": 1 z$="04020102PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME USING": 1 z$="02000102YOU HAVE GAINED TODAY'S HI-SCORE": 1 z$="01040204Robin review" 1 z$="01010304 1 z$="00110102WELL DONE!": 1 z$="00040201Letter from": 1 z$="00030224STOP THE TAPE": 1 z$="00020318GAME OVER": 1 z$="00010321WELL DONE!": 1 z$="00000424TIME UP!": 1 y2z4z6z8z:z<z>z@z 1 y$="THE CURSOR KEYS.HAPPY COMPUTING!!": 1 y$="THE 16/48 STORE ROOM IN SEARCH": 1 y$="OF 5 TAPES AND 5 INLAY CARDS": 1 y$="NONE WILL PASS": 1 y$="INSTRUCTIONS": 1 y$="GUIDE GILLESPIE ~ 1 y$="GILLESPIE CAN BE CONTROLED USING ": 1 y$="FROGS ~ 1 y$="AVOID THE WALLS,FLASHING LIGHTS": 1 y$="AND OF COURSE YOURSELF.EAT THE": 1 y$="AND INCREASE YOUR TIME.": 1 y$=" PRESS ANY KEY TO PLAY": 1 y y,yDyMyVyYyfywyzy|y~y 1 x!x$x.x?xSxYx`xexjxmxwx 1 write=9600 1 w!w:wBwMwUwjwow 1 v!v)v,v/v2v5v9v<v@vCvNvQvVv[v^vavgvjvpvsvvvyv 1 u(u+u.u4u9u<u@u^uauju 1 typ,num,no,so,ea,we 1 to deleteBASIC lines." 1 tim=tim+(50 1 tation Car Park","" 1 t$t+t3t8tDtMtRtWtftltotutxt~t 1 t is probably not up to" 1 t is possible to talk to" 1 t is Quilled (The Patch" 1 s"s&s)s0s3s6sCsLsYs`sjs 1 robin/c 1 robin , 1 r/r7r<rArDrGrMrPrSrVr[rardrgrmr 1 q>qHqRq\qfq 1 q$="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.!?_" 1 page turner 1 p$="1122334455667755733": 1 p#p1p7p<p@pYp^papdpopvpyp|p 1 ou would be right in" 1 onvent Service Road","","","" 1 o#o&o4o7o{o 1 nce through these screens," 1 n,o;" ": 1 n the minefield it is a" 1 n the air attack phase try" 1 n = next b = back q = quit 1 n game 1 the problem" 1 monitor/c 1 monitor f 1 m$="a flickering TV screen<thoughout a compilation.< <Speed gains (OCS claim up to<40 times) are marginal and, OCS<say, are dependent on the size<of the program - so don't<expect too much from a 2K core<compiled' program.< < Any reasonably sized program<must be read in from / written<out to either microdrive or<(for the masochist) tape.": 1 m$="This letter has been designed<to allow others to simply<delete my notes and insert <their own.< The body of the letter is <between lines 190 and 9600 so<simply by replacing anything<between those lines with their<own comments (and leaving the<rest of the program intact)<anyone can now create a letter<to you.": 1 m$="TOOLKIT faults:< 1. BLOCK DELETE - deletes the< requested block of BASIC as< well as some unrequested < blocks!!!!< < 2. TRACE - tends to lock out< the keyboard or 'NEW' the< Speccy!!": 1 m$="< < Just a few lines to help<others to write a few lines!!< <I expect a lot of your readers<would like to send you a letter<or two but, like me are put off<by the thought of constructing<the necessary program.": 1 m$=" To start using BLAST you have<to correctly respond to three<levels of security code - one,<if any, would be sufficient but<it soon becomes apparent that<time consuming operations are<the norm with BLAST!!!< < The BLAST software is so big <that only programs of up to 2K<can be compiled in core. To<allow even this small amount,<BLAST uses the screen area as a<work file resulting in": 1 m$=" The only points prospective<users need to know are;< 1. To print a page, a BASIC < line of:< LET m$""aaaa"":GOSUB write< is used (where aaaa is< replaced by the text).< 2. Up to 13 lines can be< written on a page.< 3. The less than sign is used< to indicate the end of< a line.": 1 m$=" The first bug ridden version<of BLAST was quickly replaced <by OCS and the follwing notes<are based on a copy of BLAST<version 3.0.< < - Erratun sheets supplied with<the handbook explain that the<many BASIC extensions, promised<in the adverts, have not been<included but by way of compen-<sation, as defined by OCS, the<TOOLKIT has 3 extra commands.": 1 m$=" Now to the reason I wanted to<write in ...< < I thought your other readers<would be interested in my<experiences of the new compiler<from Oxford Computer Services<(OCS) called BLAST.": 1 m$=" It really is as simple as that<so noone can have an excuse for<not writing in.": 1 m$=" I have contacted OCS and have<been assured that the next<version of BLAST (due any day<now) should provide corrections<to both the BLAST and TOOLKIT<shortfalls (see next page).< I've got my fingers crossed!!< My advice to prospective<purchases is to wait for an all<clear from mags such as 16/48<before parting with their <money.": 1 m$=" Average compilation times for<12-15K programs have been<16 minutes.< Loading the compiled programs<can take between 1 and 5<minutes!!< I bought a microdrive to<reduce loading times!!!< Some compiled programs fail to<load after 15 minutes of drive<usage and some tape compiles<have corrupted headers!!": 1 m$=" As only 2K is available for<compiling in core, tape<programs must first be divided<into smaller programs by using<one of the TOOLKIT commands.<Microdrive users do not have to<alter their programs, BLAST<reads/writes the small sections<automatically - and exercises<the microdrive's motors!!!": 1 m$=" A compiler, as most of you<know, is a program which reads<lines of BASIC and translates<them into 'machine code' and<writes them out as a new<program.< This new program is then read<by the computer which can<function faster because the<BASIC translation has already<been done.< So how did BLAST perform? ...": 1 m$=" Well that's it for this time.< <Keep up the good work 16/48.< < Bye for now,< < Mike Yates.": 1 m$=" HINT:< As BLAST can corrupt the<other programs on a cartidge,<always ensure the contents,<including the original program,<are backed up or you may lose<all. !!< It is a good idea to use a<cartridge that contains only<the program to be compiled<(just to be safe).": 1 lso available for Amstrad"'"and Commodore." 1 ll the time,you are moving" 1 l=l+(k$="6" 1 ir attacks have failed to" 1 inst J 1 input=6020 1 hi there ! 1 here is then a help MENU" 1 he puzzles are not that" 1 he plot revolves around" 1 he next section is three" 1 he arcade sections consist" 1 he Yellow Brick Road","" 1 he second screen is an" 1 he latest release by" 1 he game consists of a" 1 ext follow three screen$:","" 1 eneral tips include : you" 1 elta Four has released the" 1 edit 6 1 eath Wake is a war game in" 1 deathwake S 1 death/c M6 1 b$="Press a key come the dots .............." 1 b$=".................... PRESS A KEY" 1 a$="STOP TAPE NOW !! ..............." 1 a$=" ..STOP TAPE ..STOP TAPE ..STOP TAPE" 1 ]MAGNETIC MAGAZINES 83:H\ 1 WRITE 1 Use the up & down keys for thedetails. ( 1 START TAPE 1 SENDER'S NAME 1 Robin of Sherwood 1 Release date: December 1985" 1 RUN THE TAPE 1 RESTORE ROUTINES 1 R = read again 1 PRINT=prog+291 1 PRINT PAGE 1 PLEASE STOP THE TAPE 1 PIX=PIX-40 1 PIX=PIX-30 1 PIX=PIX+40 1 PIX=PIX+30 1 PIX RESTORE 1 PICS 1 Mr. S.J. Pearce of Barnes, SW13. 1 MAGNETIC MAGAZINES : 1 LETTER P 1 L = load next program 1 INITIALISE 1 HELP GAME 1 DATA 1 Death Wake 1 DEATH WAKE 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 CAR COMPETITION 1 BREAKPOINT 1 ;a$;a$;a$;a$;a$;a$;a$;a$; 1 ;"review/c" 1 ;"monitor/c" 1 ;"monitor" 1 ;"deathwake" 1 ;"b = back n = next q = quit" 1 ;"Yes, it's LOADing" 1 ;"Welcome to 16/48 computing."' 1 ;"We shall now LOAD some CODE."'' 1 ;"We now have a winner to the" 1 ;"The utility contains 16 routineswhich are accessed through a central interpreter (a bit like the SPECTRUM'S basic).The form of the comand is as follows:",,," letter,par1,par2,...." 1 ;"RUN that tape ....": 1 ;"Press a key ..." 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY......": 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY" 1 ;"Monitor/Disassembler" 1 ;"Monitor" 1 ;"M to load monitor R to re-read" 1 ;"Leave the tape please": 1 ;"LETTER": 1 ;"If you send in an adventure then" 1 ;"GILLESPIE!" 1 ;"Don't forget that we pay between" 1 ;"Disassemble,d,0,1": 1 ;"Dear 16/48K,"'" As you have recently been running you machine code tutor Ithought that readers who have followed this series,(and who don't have one) would benefit from a Monitor/Disassembler." 1 ;"CODE is LOADING ...." 1 ;"At 16/48 I am always on the look" 1 ;"16"'" /"'" 48" 1 ;"* PRESS ~Q~ TO QUIT *": 1 ;" JANUARY 1985 1 ;" Write,w,0,1": 1 ;" Set breakpoint,b,1,1": 1 ;" Search,s,3,15": 1 ;" Run,r,1,1": 1 ;" Replace,r,4,8": 1 ;" Relocate,j,1,1": 1 ;" Registers,R,0,0": 1 ;" Quit,q,0,0": 1 ;" Print,p,0,1": 1 ;" Move,m,3,3": 1 ;" List,l,0,1": 1 ;" Input,i,0,1": 1 ;" Fill,f,3,3": 1 ;" Convert,c,1,1": 1 ;" Alter registers,a,0,0": 1 ;" Command descriptions" 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" " 1 ;" 1 16/48#24/1g 1 16/48 rating 1 ,i;"Press";" 1 ,i;"Press 1 ,,"N.B. parameters can be in HEX ordecimal (add ` to front if dec)." 1 ,,"Each command will be described as follows:",,"Name,letter,min no. parameters, max no. parameters,decription, example" 1 ,,"E.g. j,e000 j,`49152" 1 ,,"As an added bonus I have made the routine fully relocatable." 1 ,," With this in mind I have written what I believe to be a very comprehensive utility,whichlets you not only disassemble code (Including the ROM),but enter,modify,print and list it." 1 ,," The number of parameters required depends on the routine involved,and some don't need anyat all." 1 +"GILLESPIE" 1 *(k$="b"): 1 (x,y)+1000 1 (prog+1217 1 ''"Next program is coming ..."'': 1 '"The rates are between `20 and" 1 '"Please do not protect your work" 1 '"If it is an arcade game then I" 1 '"(Do enclose a stamped envelopeif you want your tape returned.)The editorial address is:" 1 '" Well done, and the car will be" 1 '" The recipient of an Austin" 1 $|#~2Gr#~2Hr* 1 "your support vessels as this" 1 "would be grateful for any hints" 1 "with you as soon as the clock is" 1 "which is an air attack phase." 1 "which you have to destroy the" 1 "turned back." 1 "to eliminate enemy air bases.","" 1 "to deploy your forces against" 1 "thinking that it is again" 1 "they are on the verge of a major" 1 "them atomic capability.","" 1 "the standard of ""Bored"" but is" 1 "that I can publish." 1 "target of this spoof." 1 "solution to problems." 1 "series of arcade screens between" 1 "screen dumps from the game:","" 1 "research is proceeding well and" 1 "research base. This has to be" 1 "question of avoiding the mines !" 1 "progress and give you a chance" 1 "programs and `10 for letters." 1 "please enclose a map and the" 1 "penetrate the defences so the" 1 "patrol boats and having to" 1 "out for good original software" 1 "or cheats." 1 "of course, examine everything." 1 "of attacks by planes,destroyers," 1 "new to the Quill. These include" 1 "negotiate a mine field.","" 1 "need the lamp, do not swear and" 1 "monitor/c" 1 "map is displayed to show your" 1 "le circus","Nines","M/C Library 6","Colossus","end2" 1 "last resort lies with ""The" 1 "involves the changing of Smurphs" 1 "into garden gnomes, the death of" 1 "interaction between characters" 1 "in any way and include SAVING"'"details." 1 "humour and I have enjoyed it.","" 1 "hard, at least in the first game" 1 "good value and there is a bonus" 1 "game as well.","" 1 "forest and you as the detective" 1 "for game 1." 1 "follow up to Bored of the Rings." 1 "eventually you will reach the" 1 "especially the SPECTRUM version." 1 "enemy research station. Their" 1 "enemy air support.","" 1 "doors close.","" 1 "destroyed with shells before the" 1 "destroy the research base." 1 "deeper into enemy territory, and" 1 "deathwake" 1 "data between the three parts.","" 1 "characters and with Marian ..." 1 "changes that have occured in the" 1 "but the atmosphere and humour of" 1 "but incorporates some features" 1 "breakthrough which will give" 1 "attack by aeroplanes.Try to keep" 1 "and the ability to transfer" 1 "and frustrating game to play," 1 "and Illustrator are also used)" 1 "adds to fire power.","" 1 "a good adventure are present.","" 1 "`20 and `100 for published" 1 "`100 depending on quality." 1 "Watson and the kidnapping of a" 1 "W1R 7DB"'' 1 "Undaunted""." 1 "Searches from start to finish for par3,par4,par5,......",,,"E.g. s,0,ffff,cd,45,7c" 1 "Robin have to solve the mystery.","" 1 "Returns to basic.",,,"E.g. r" 1 "Relocates monitor at specified address.Initially start = 6D79 (`28025),Re-start address (afterquit) =6E0D (`28173). N.B. Routine is `4743,1287 byteslong and you must not overwrite the old one until command is with the new one (when O.K. appears.The onld version is still in memory and can still be used until you overwrite it." 1 "Quicksilva is Death Wake.","" 1 "Prints registers and breakpoint.",,"E.g. R" 1 "Prints contents of next 64 locations of memory in HEX fromaddress given or previous one.",,,"E.g. l,2333 l,`65000 l" 1 "Next program loading ...": 1 "Needs START,FINISH,CHARACTER. Fills addresses START to FINISH with CHARACTER.",,,,"E.g. f,4000,57ff,ff" 1 "Move cursor up and down with cursor keys and enter 4-digit Hex number beside register you want to change.'q' quit.",,,"E.g. a" 1 "Metro City is:" 1 "Melbourne House that is the" 1 "Liberty House" 1 "Lets you input code at address given,in hexadecimal.'q' quits, 'ENTER' skips one address,'l' jumps back one address.",,,"E.g. w,8000 w,`49152 w" 1 "It follows a similar style of" 1 "I have reviewed two new games:Death Wake and Robin of Sherwood" 1 "However, there is a cheat mode!?","" 1 "Gillespie","Reviews:"," 1 Death Wake"," 2 Robin","Write on!","monitor","end1" 1 "Finds and replace either 1,2 or 3 bytes with new ones",,,"E.g. r,0,ffff,00,ff r,0,ffff,3e,45,3e,46 r,0,ffff,cd,56,7c,cd,66,7d" 1 "Executes code from given addressuntil routine ends or breakpointis reached.Registers take displayed values.",,,"E.g. r,6e0d r,`28173" 1 "During the air attack phase a" 1 "Displays inputed number in HEX and DECIMAL.",,,,"E.g. c,5c09 c,`65455" 1 "Disassembles from given address or previous address until 'q' pressed.Any other key advanced display.",,"E.g. d,1000 d,`45454 d" 1 "Copy Start to finish to par3",,,"E.g. m,4000,5000,4001" 1 "Carpenters Road"'"London E15 2HD"'' 1 "Can you guide Gillespie aroundthe 16/48 store-room collecting16/48 cassettes and inlay cards?" 1 "As list but prints the characterinstead of Hexadecimal number.",,,"E.g. p,100 l,`7000 p" 1 "As above but enter character rather than hex digit.Same keys but 'EDIT' quit,'DELETE' back.",,,"E.g. i,9000 i,`50000 i" 1 "Argus Press Car competition." 1 "Arcade and strategy war gamefrom Quicksilva.","The follow up to Bored of theRings from Silversoft." 1 "All the fun of le circus withthis game from Clifford Brooks." 1 "After RUN is executed if the breakpoint is reached it will return to command mode and display registers.",,,"E.g. b,7000" 1 "A version of the classic gamefor the Spectrum." 1 "A short piece of 1 "A letter/utility from Mike Yates. This letter can be reused byreaders to send in comments, simply change the text." 1 "A drag ? Yes,but leave the tape."'' 1 "A Quilled adventure set in War--time France." 1 "A disassembler and monitor tocomplement the M/C library. (Itwill not chain.)" 1 "222, Regent Street"'"London" 1 "16/48#24/1" 1 "(Re-start=start+94,`148)" 1 "''"Release date 11th Nov 1985" 1 "''"Quicksilva Ltd." 1 "'"Silver Soft Ltd." 1 " Find the dead Watson in theForest." 1 " Find Dorothy and examine theYellow Brick Road." 1 " Find the hairpin to undoMarion's Chastity belt !" 1 " You need to find the Habitand wear it to enter the convent" 1 " The lighter is required orotherwise you are shown the doorOh, don't forget to examine thecrucifix." 1 " Listen at the window." 1 " Examine the panel." 1 " Examine the ledge." 1 " Examine the desk in theMother Superior's Office." 1 to read again."; 1 to read again, 1 to load the next program." 1 moves on.) 1 found it a very difficult" 1 backpage, 1 The loading screen" 1 The air attack phase" 1 TAPE 25"; 1 No more please ! 1 N.A.Murray 1985" 1 London W1R 7DB 1 Liberty House 1 Howard Allen 1 END OF LETTER 1 Aeroplane attack" 1 = Load next program 1 = Read again 1 222 Regent Street 1 1ST LINE 1 16/48 Computing 1 to load next. 1 to gobackwards or 1 Yellow brick road" 1 To enter Convent"," 1 Sewing Room"," 1 Mother Superior's Office" 1 Marion"," 1 In forest"," 1 In convent" 1 At window" 1 At Ticket Office" 1 *** GAME 1 HELP MENU *** 1 1